Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Please take a lesson...

By day I'm an Account Manager that sells Internet marketing solutions...

it amazes me how many people decide to build there own website or have a Buddie do it. I always take the "edu-tainer" route and give people all the information they need and tools necc. to get the job done. How ever this doesn't always ensure success.

Having had many car issues, I brought my vech. to my local mechanic, when my pet was injured I brought him to the vet. And if I need financial advice I see my financial advisor....You can see where I'm going with this...

People...really there are such things as snow sports instructors. These fine, well mannered folks will deff. take quite a bit of the fear, lumps & bumps out of things. Although theres no guarantee you won't take a fall or two while learning  my point....it's better than just winging it.

At any rate these people get paid to instruct, there not just winging it and trying to tell you how to ski or ride based on how they learned. I'm not sure that your aware but, in preseason mode there are many hours spent clincing and getting ready for the busy winter teaching season. Not only do they know what to say...but how to safely and effective get you to success !!! (learning to ski or ride)

 Considering to get out on the snow to ski or ride for the first time? Please take a lesson.

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