Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Thanks then try Kinetic's R&R for some Caloric revenge!!!

Happy Thanks Giving, please take some time out of your busy schedules to reflect what really matters. I hope that each and everyone of you checking in here to "follow" or see what's up have a wonderful holiday celebration. On another note just picked this up a few days ago...not exactly trainer season yet but still psyhced to see what this Kinetic Rock n Roll Trainer is all about.

More to come as I give this a test try, please hit me up with any feedback those of you that have tried one before.Thanks in advance.

Happy Thanks Giving!!

Bike Guy


  1. Who needs a trainer when there's snow riding to be done! ;) While I haven't used this particular trainer, I've used trainers in the past and they all feel like stationary bikes. :( Never used rollers, but I hear they feel more natural. I'll be focusing on outdoor riding, weight training and snow shoeing this winter. Hit me up if you want to go stomp bomb holes in the freshies!

  2. Adam, I totally agree with buddie Mort Nace say's it best, "Take It Outside". However in the economy of time crunching family style sometimes trainer time is the ONLY time I get for work out blaster. Thanks for the feedback!!!

  3. Indeed. Even trainer-style turning cranks are still turning cranks. Stationary ride on.

  4. Kinetic R&R is an excellent indoor training product. Very impressed by it's real feel (rock n roll) motion. This unique feature makes standing & climibing efforts more realistic. For those that wish not to have the R&R feature trainer does come with two blocks that can be installed at trainer base. Another key feature; addionaly included aluminum fly wheel weight. This helps to increase trainer resistance. One last note as far as noise etc ...this is by far one of the best noise free trainers out there. I was very impressed by the R&R's power curve (real free resistance...nice & smooth. This particular unit even came with a trainer mat & unique multi setting wheek block.
    Yeah Kinetic R&R!!!

  5. Great heads up in regards to R&R set up options from the folks at Kurt Kinetic Cycling thanks!!!

    "NOTE: Nice space-saving option on the legs of the Rock And Roll. Notice that the ends can be turned in or turned out for even greater width and stability." - Kurt Kinetic Cycling

    Bike Guy
